Carefree pool enjoyment
Good water quality and a perfectly filtered pool are the most important prerequisites for enjoying your pool without worry.
To offer optimal water quality, we recommend five steps.
Step 1: Adjusting the pH values
Step 2: Disinfection
Step 3: Algae control
Step 4: Flocculant
Step 5: Additional products
Increasing alkalinity
At step 5: 'the additional products' we find, among other, the alkalinity increaser Bayrol Alca-Plus (TAC+). .
Alca-Plus granulate to correct unstable pH values due to low alkalinity. Prevents pH fluctuations and brings the water back into balance. To increase the alkalinity with 10 mg / L use 180 grams per 10 m³.
First dissolve the granulate in a bucket of pool water and then add it to the pool water.
The ideal value of alkalinity is 80 - 120pmm.