Checker Hanna digital Chlorine tester HI7014

21816 /media/images/producten/1680x1260/checker-digitale-testeur-de-chlore-hi701_han-hi701.jpg Checker Hanna digital Chlorine tester HI7014 HAN-HI7014
Measure the chlorine level in your pool quickly and correctly with this digital chlorine tester Checker from Hanna Instruments.
Model : HAN-HI7014
Availability : 2
  • €84.00
€69.42 Excl. VAT

Checker Hanna digital Chlorine tester HI7014

The HI7014 by Hanna is pocket photometer to accurately measure free chlorine in your pool or spa.

Make sure your water pH is between 7,0 and 7,6 to get a good functioning of your chlorine.

Free chlorine concentrations in an indoor pool should be between 0,5 to 1,5 mg/l.

In an outdoor pool, the free chlorine concentrations should be between 1,0 and 3,0 mg/l.

For a whirlpool or spa between 1,0 and 3,0 mg/l free chlorine concentrations.

Appliance dimensions: 81,5 mm x 61 mm x 37,5 mm.

Weight: 64 grams.

Lighting: LED.

Included in the measuring device:
- Battery pack
- 2 cuvettes.
- 6 reagent powders.

For extra reagent powders you can type in the following code at search on our website: HI7014-25.
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