Colours LED lamp for Intex bubble PureSpa

21856 /media/images/producten/1680x1260/28503-1-_intex-28503.jpg Colours LED lamp for Intex bubble PureSpa INTEX-28503
You can really enjoy your PureSpa in the dark with this beautiful Intex LED light for connection to your PureSpa.
Model : INTEX-28503
Availability : 108
  • €19.00
€15.70 Excl. VAT

Colours LED lamp for Intex bubble PureSpa

Colour LED lamp for Intex bubble Purespa.

This colour LED lamp  was designed for real atmosphere and relaxation in the hot tub.

Runs on 3 AAA batteries, automatic shutdown after 2 hours.

Choice of 5 different colours change automatically or fix a paritcular colour.

Wattage: 1,0 W.

This LED light can be connected to all Bubble PureSpa models.
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