Bayrol Superklar flocculant 500 ml

21840 /media/images/producten/1680x1260/bayrol-superklar-floculant-500-ml_pp-3034080268.jpg Bayrol Superklar flocculant 500 ml PP-3034080268
Prevent or remove cloudy water with Bayrol Superklar flocculant, so you can always enjoy clear pool water.

Model : PP-3034080268
Availability : 136
  • €15.00
€12.40 Excl. VAT

Bayrol Superklar flocculant 500 ml

Flocculant for use with cartridge filters, fabric filters and replacement cartridges.

Bayrol's Superklar removes turbidity from your pool and spa by making the finest turbidity-causing dust particles more filterable, thereby ensuring crystal clear water.

The use of Superklar offers a double advantage: on the on hand it improves the effectiveness of the filter and on the other hand it reduces the consumption of disinfectants.

Superklar is suitable for all types of filters, but particularly for cartridge filters.Crystal clear water is best obtained with a weekly dose of Superklar.


Check the pH value, it should be between 7.0 and 7.4, if not, correct first with pH product, allow water to filter and check again after 4 hours until the pH value is correct.

Add Bayrol Superklar undiluted to the pool water while your circulation pump is running.

After adding, run pump and filter for at least 8 hours.

If water is still cloudy after 36 hours, re-dose.

Perform a chlorine choc if necessary.


Weekly preventive 20 ml per 10 m³, in case of turbid water 40 ml per 10m³.
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