Nivea 500 ml

21697 /en/shop/detail/care/shower-gel-shower-cream/nivea-shower/nivea-500-ml/shower-cream-nivea-care-cream-500-ml /media/images/producten/1680x1260/creme-de-douche-nicea-care-cream-500-ml_e-s-83627.jpg Shower cream Nivea Care cream 500 ml E-S-83627
21698 /en/shop/detail/sales/shower-cream-nivea-soft-inluent-almond-oil-500-ml /media/images/producten/1680x1260/80758_e-s-80758.jpg Shower cream Nivea Soft inluent almond oil 500 ml E-S-80758
21705 /en/shop/detail/care/shower-gel-shower-cream/nivea-shower/nivea-500-ml/shower-cream-nivea-coconut-500-ml /media/images/producten/1680x1260/creme-de-douche-nivea-coconut-500-ml_e-s-83665.jpg Shower cream Nivea Coconut 500 ml E-S-83665

Start and finish your day with radiant skin
Waking up in the shower is a great way to wake up in the morning. Rub yourself with a delicious Nivea shower gel and start your day with a smile. 
After sports or a long day at work, it's very relaxing to rub all the stress from your body in the shower or bath. Choose a lovely fragrance and pamper your skin and soul. 
A shower before going to bed is a great help in getting to sleep. 

Nivea shower gel for men
As a man, it's very nice to soap up with a real masculine scent. This gives the male sense of honour an enormous boost. 
Nivea shower gels come in different sizes so you don't have to drag a large amount of shower gel to the gym every time. 

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